What We
The Bible is inspired by God as His design and plan for mankind.
There is only one true God—revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In the deity of Jesus Christ and that as God’s son, Jesus was both human and divine.
God created humanity as good, but man willingly fell into sin bringing evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world.
Every person can have a
restored relationship with God through salvation (accepting Christ’s offer of forgiveness for sin).
God supernaturally empowers us with gifts and abilities to make an eternal impact upon the world and be a genuine witness to others.
God still moves in miraculous ways and is eager to touch our lives in times of need.
Jesus will return to fulfill the promises of God’s Word and take His rightful place as the Lord of heaven and earth.
Highpoint Church is an affiliate of the Assemblies of God.
Although the Assemblies of God is not a denomination it can best be described as a voluntary association of churches that have agreed upon sixteen doctrinal statements and a belief that each local church should be given the freedom to choose its own leadership, programs and styles of ministry.